Update from an Ivey Africa Service Learning Program Alumni
A former Africa Service Learning program student reflects on rare and remarkable program.
Launched in 2012, the Ubuntu Management Education Initiative operates as an international development effort by Ivey students and faculty, to build capacity for quality case-based business education at partner business schools in Africa.
Ivey students gain knowledge of the Africa business context while collaborating with peer Africa business school students through case-based teaching and learning
We partner with Africa Universities to develop and deliver case-based materials, learning opportunities and faculty development in support of our mutual goals.
A former Africa Service Learning program student reflects on rare and remarkable program.
We’ve been back for a couple months from our trip to the beautiful city if Mwanza, Tanzania. Reflecting on our transition back into life working in Toronto and studying in London, here are a few lessons learned and some of our favourite memories!
A final reflection on our trip to JKUAT Nakuru in Kenya!
The 2023 Ivey Talent Leaders Forum recently hosted by The Ivey Academy was a full day of interactive and collaborative learning with senior HR and talent leaders exploring HR’s role in driving digital transformation at work.