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39 Country Initiative

Practitioner Impact

The International Business Institute brings cutting edge research to practising managers.  Impact is an online monthly research publication featuring Ivey faculty.

Impacting Practice through IB Scholarship: Toy Recalls and the Product Safety Crisis

Journal of International Business Studies, (50)9: 1636-1643
by Hari Bapuji and Paul W. Beamish

Hari Bapuji and Paul W. Beamish present research conducted in the wake of the 2007 global product safety crisis.

To read the article, click here.

Turnaround Strategies

September 2019
by Vanessa Hasse

Vanessa Hasse's research explores how management responds to subpar performing foreign subsidiaries.

To read the article, click here

Acquisition Bound

July 2018
by Klaus Meyer

Klaus Meyer looks at the acquisition experiences of Chinese companies.

To read the article, click here

Making the Team

January 2017
by Martha Maznevski

Martha Maznevski's research reveals how to empower team behaviour.

To read the article, click here.

Eye on the International Market

November 2016
by Isaac Holloway

Isaac Holloway's research on film exports shows the world is one's oyster.

To read the article, click here.

Global Boundary Spanners

Volume 20, Number 8 - 2014
by Andreas Schotter

Andreas Schotter researches a special type of manager who helps global organizations succeed in today's complex world.

To read the article, click here.

Winner Take All

Volume 20, Number 3 - 2014
by Brian Pinkham

Cisco Systems is famous for its remarkable story of growth through acquisitions. Since CEO John Chambers took the helm in 1995, Cisco has acquired more than 160 companies, both domestic and foreign. Chambers describes himself as a “command and control guy.” He also has a law degree. Is this just a coincidence? Or is a legal education a perfect background for pursuing an aggressive acquisition strategy?

To read the article, click here.

Planting the Seeds for Business Knowledge Exchange

Volume 18, Number 6 - 2012
by Romel Mostafa

Although many companies are reluctant to train foreign workers without tight controls to ensure the knowledge remains in the firm, developing countries can greatly benefit from knowledge spillover from successful companies. The research of Ivey Assistant Professor Romel Mostafa reveals the conditions needed for the spread of business knowledge in emerging countries.

To read the article, click here.

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