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Richard Ivey Building 3338
Robert is a Professor of Operations Management at Ivey Business School.
Robert's research interests focus on exploring the linkages between operations and sustainability with a particular focus on supply chain management. This research has emphasized, first, characterizing management practices and organizational capabilities, and second, understanding both the antecedents and performance outcomes of these practices and capabilities. His research has been published in Management Science, Production and Operations Management, Journal of Operations Management, Academy of Management Journal, and International Journal of Operations & Production Management, among others. He is currently serving as co-Editor for International Journal of Operations & Production Management, and as co-Department Editor for Production and Operations Management.
In addition to teaching the first-year operations management course in the MBA and EMBA programs, Robert has recently introduced a new course in Managing for Sustainable Development. He has also taught electives in the Developing and Managing Technology, Management of Services and Operations Strategy. He continues to actively develop new teaching materials, including over 20 cases and exercises in the area of operations strategy, process analysis, quality management and environmental management.