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Ann Frost

Associate Professor, Organizational Behaviour

Ann Frost

Contact Information


  • High Performance Work Practices
  • Changing Union-Management Relations
  • Call Centres
  • Intensive Care Units
  • Steel Industry

Research Publications

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I joined the Ivey faculty in 1995 after finishing my doctoral studies in industrial relations at the Sloan School of Management, MIT. I also have undergraduate and Masters degrees from the Faculty of Commerce at UBC.

The focus of my recent research is on organizational routines in Canadian policing and how they enable organizations to pursue both efficiency and socially desirable outcomes.  Earlier research has been funded by the Russell-Sage and Rockefeller Foundations (for research on work practices in the American hospital industry) and SSHRC (job quality in Canadian call centres, and care team interactions in Ontario ICUs). I have also been involved in a multi-year, SSHRC-funded Major Collaborative Research Initiative project entitled Rethinking Institutions for Work and Employment in the Global Era. Output from these projects has been published in leading academic and practitioner journals such as ILR Review, California Management Review and Journal of Management Studies.

At Ivey, I have taught MBA, EMBA and undergraduate courses in organizational behaviour and negotiations. My second year course, Interpersonal Negotiations, is consistently the most over-subscribed elective in Ivey’s HBA program. In the Executive Education area, I specialize in organizational issues – engagement, change, leadership effectiveness and high performance teams – for clients in a variety of sectors, particularly government and not-for-profit. Previously, I was Faculty Director of Ivey’s multi-year program with the City of London. I now am the Faculty Director of Ivey’s senior leadership development program for City of Calgary.  I am currently Faculty Co-Director of CommunityShiftTM, a leadership development program designed exclusively for C-level leaders of Canadian charities and not-for-profit organizations, founded by KPMG Enterprise and Ivey.


  • Leadership

Programs Taught

  • Executive Education


  • BComm, UBC
  • MSc, UBC
  • PhD, MIT

Recent Refereed Articles

  • Eberhard, J.; Frost, A. C.; Rerup, C., 2019, "The dark side of routine dynamics: Deceit and the work of Romeo pimps", Research in the Sociology of Organizations, May 61: 99 - 121.
  • Liu, X.; Van Jaarsveld, D.; Batt, R.; Frost, A. C., 2014, "The Influence of Capital Structure on Strategic Human Capital: Evidence From U.S. and Canadian Firms", Journal of Management, February 40(2): 422 - 448.
  • Van Jaarsveld, D.; Kwon, H.; Frost, A. C., 2009, "The Effects of Institutional and Organizational Characteristics on Work Force Flexibility: Evidence from Call Centers in Three Liberal Market Economies", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, July 62(4): 573 - 601.
  • Berg, P.; Frost, A. C., 2005, "Dignity at Work for Low Wage, Low Skill Service Workers", Relations Industrielles-Industrial Relations, December 60(4): 657 - 682.
  • Preuss, G.; Frost, A. C., 2003, "The Rise and Decline of Labor-Management Cooperation: Lessons from Health Care in the Twin Cities", California Management Review, January 45(2): 85 - 106.
  • Frost, A. C., 2001, "Reconceptualizing local union responses to workplace restructuring in North America", British Journal of Industrial Relations, December 39(4): 539 - 564.
  • Frost, A. C., 2001, "Creating and Sustaining Local Union Capabilities: The Role of the National Union", Relations Industrielles, January 56(2): 307 - 333.
  • Frost, A. C., 2001, "Creating and Sustaining Local Union Capabilities: The Role of the National Union", Relations Industrielles-Industrial Relations, January 52(2): 307 - 335.
  • Frost, A. C., 2000, "Union involvement in workplace decision making: Implications for union democracy", Journal of Labor Research, June 21(2): 265 - 286.
  • Frost, A. C., 2000, "Explaining Variation in Workplace Restructuring: The Role of Local Union Capabilities", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, January 53(4): 559 - 578.
  • Frost, A. C., 2000, "Explaining variation in workplace restructuring: The role of local union capabilities", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, January 53(4): 559 - 578.
  • Frost, A. C., 1997, "The Strategic Use of Cooperation and Conflict: The Cornerstone of Labour's Success in Workplace Restructuring", International Contributions to Labour Studies, January 7: 19 - 36.

For more publications please see our Research Database


  • Researcher at The Inter-University Research Centre on Globalization and Work (CRIMT or le Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur la mondialisation et le travail): a Canadian-based inter-university research centre on the theoretical and practical challenges of institutional renewal for work and employment in a global era
  • Doctoral Fellow, Center for Industrial Competitiveness, University of Massachusetts, Lowell
  • Doctoral Fellow, Industrial Performance Center, MIT

Research/Course Development

  • High Performance Work Practices in Knowledge Intensive Services
  • Unions as Competency Creating Institutions

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