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Shania Kalpee

Making a difference not only to those around her but for those that come after her It  drives her to strive for the best and most inclusive environment. The position, VP EDI representative already shows the amount of growth made by the Ivey community, but also the potential there is to really create the inclusive and welcoming environment. Having a space that is intentionally made for every individual in mind really promotes creativity, community and understanding which are integral parts of Ivey as a community. Working with a broad range of individuals and executives from the MScA clubs has given a clearer perspective of what they require to feel supported and where needs improvement/changes. Excited to help spearhead the next year of systematic change by creating a solid foundation for the ones that come after. 


(anticipated completion 2024)

Ivey Business School

Shania Kalpee

Shania Kalpee

MSc Association, VP of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, Ivey Business School

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